Posted as part of six word Saturday

The Mercers Maiden
The Mercers Maiden is a small piece of stone relief carving that is on the wall of Corbet Court quite near to Leadenhall market. The Maiden has thought to have inhabited the area of the court since 1669 and is the emblem of the “Worshipful Company of Mercers” who were established in 1394.
Last year when I was out with my camera, I noticed that someone had defaced the young lady with some mindless graffiti.
Not really knowing who to contact regarding this, I spoke to the Museum of London, who admitted that they didn’t know who was actually responsible for her, but would make enquiries.
A couple of weeks later I was in the area and decided to see what had been done. Happily the epilation squad had been out and the Maiden has lost her fringe and tash, so thanks to the Museum of London for sorting it out.